Ways to search for information on the Internet. Three main ways to search for information on the Internet. Finding Plural Information

Greetings, dear readers! In this article, we will look at various ways to surf the Internet efficiently and quickly. There is a lot of information on all sorts of topics on the World Wide Web.

For this reason, the search may become more difficult. It can be made easier by using certain methods. What are the rules for making a request?

How to enter into the search bar exactly the phrase that will give you the most accurate information?

Sometimes the search engine doesn't find any information at all. Let's look at simple rules for successful information retrieval.

When a search engine returns a large number of links to resources, you need to write your query in more detail and in more detail. With a huge number of search results options, this will help highlight exactly what you need.

If no matches were found in the search results, simplify the initial search phrase. Although in practice it can be problematic to choose the right way to search for information.

There are 2 types of information search on the Internet.

1. Search for singular information

For example, this could include a query like this: “Which city is the capital of Portugal?” To get an answer to it, enter in your query: the capital of Portugal (for the search engine it does not matter whether you enter a capital or lowercase letter in the word - Portugal, which you can easily check if you wish). Press the Enter key and get the answer:

Rice. 1 Search for singular information

The search results shown in Fig. 1 may differ depending on the search engine and browser you choose.

Or this: “What was the name of the writer Chekhov?” To get an answer, you can slightly change the request, for example, enter in the browser: the middle name of the writer Chekhov, after which the search engine provides answers.

Another option: “In what year were the first Olympic Games held?” You can simplify it and enter the following query in your browser: the date of the first Olympic Games.

In this case, we find some specific information. For example, it can be in the form of a name, date or number.

2. Finding plural information

An example of this method of searching for information could be a query of the following type: “Which sports nutrition stores are located in the city of Minsk?” If you wish, you can simplify it and enter the following query: sports nutrition stores in Minsk. As we can see, in the proposed version we already need to find not one piece of information, but several (2 or more sports nutrition stores).

These methods differ in that in the first of them the search result will be located on a specific page of one website, and in the second - on different pages of several websites.

Let's look at specific examples. Let's first consider the case of searching for singular information.

For example, you need to find out the place and date of birth of Pushkin. What phrase should be entered into the search field of the Yandex or Google system? Most likely, those users who are little familiar with effective ways to search for information on the Internet will enter the following option: “Place and date of birth of Pushkin.” As a result, we get that on one web page we find out only the place of his birth, and on the other - the date.

The first way to find plural information

But our goal is to find complete information on one single web page. Let’s rephrase our search phrase into another option: “Pushkin was born.” In the very first search links we find out when and where this greatest Russian poet was born. You don't even need to follow links to other sites. The information we need will be on the main web page of the search engine.

Rice. 2 Example of searching for plural information

The search results shown in Fig. 2 may differ depending on the search engine and browser you choose.

This method of searching for information will not only save your time, but also Internet traffic. Thanks to such a property of search engines as relevance, the search results display the closest documents on a given topic, which simplifies the search and saves the Internet user’s time.

2nd way to find plural information

To use this method, you need to understand that the initial data may come from different areas. To find a more accurate option, enter as many names as possible in the search phrase. For this purpose, individual words or phrases are used.

For example, let’s enter the following query: “Purchase, washing machine, LG, white, Perm.” Thus, information will be found on the purchase of a white LG washing machine in the city of Perm. You may notice that all search words for this query are in the singular and nominative case. This is necessary to ensure that exactly what you need is displayed in the search results.

You can use other cases, declensions and numbers of the Russian language, but in this case you can enclose the search words in quotation marks. This technique will lead to the fact that the search results will be specific, that is, exactly in the form in which they were indicated in quotation marks.

A query enclosed in quotation marks is a signal to the search engine that it is necessary to look for an exact match to this query, that is, the most relevant one.

Thanks for your attention, friends. We got acquainted with 3 ways to search for information:

  • search for singular information,
  • search for plural information,
  • use of quotation marks.

And in order for this theoretical information to benefit you, of course, you should apply it in practice. To do this, we are opening right now

16.Searching for information on the Internet

The information posted on the World Wide Web amounts to a huge number of bytes. To search for information on the World Wide Web, special websites are used - information retrieval systems. They allow you to use keywords to find information resources related to keywords. This can be text containing keywords, or a graphic image of one of the keywords. Examples of information retrieval systems are Google and Yandex systems.

Search for information– one of the most popular tasks in practice that any Internet user has to solve.

There are three main ways to search for information on the Internet:

1. Specifying the page address.

3. Contacting a search engine (search server).

Method 1: Specifying the page address

This is the fastest search method, but it can only be used if you know exactly the address of the document or the site where the document is located.

Don’t forget the ability to search the web page open in the browser window (Edit-Find on this page...).

This is the least convenient method, since it can be used to search for documents that are only close in meaning to the current document.

Method 3: Accessing a search engine

Using hypertext links, you can travel endlessly in the information space of the Internet, moving from one web page to another, but if you consider that many millions of web pages have been created in the world, it is unlikely that you will be able to find the necessary information on them in this way.

Special search engines (also called search engines) come to the rescue. Search server addresses are well known to everyone who works on the Internet. Currently, the following search servers are popular in the Russian-speaking part of the Internet: Yandex (yandex.ru), Google (google.ru) and Rambler (rambler.ru

Search system- a website that provides the ability to search for information on the Internet.

Most search engines search for information on World Wide Web sites, but there are also systems that can search for files on FTP servers, products in online stores, and information in Usenet newsgroups.

According to the operating principle Search engines are divided into two types: search directories and search indexes.

Search directories serve for thematic search.

The information on these servers is structured by topics and subtopics. If you intend to cover a specific topic, it is not difficult to find a list of web pages dedicated to it.

A directory of Internet resources or a directory of Internet resources or simply an Internet directory is a structured set of links to sites with a brief description of them.

Search indexes work as alphabetical indexes. The client specifies a word or group of words that characterizes his search area and receives a list of links to web pages containing the specified terms.

The first search engine for the World Wide Web was Wandex, a now-defunct index developed by Matthew Gray of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1993.

How does a search index work?

Search indexes automatically, using special programs (web spiders), scan Internet pages and index them, that is, they enter them into their huge database.

Search robot(“web spider”) is a program that is an integral part of a search engine and is designed to crawl Internet pages in order to enter information about them (keywords) into the search engine database. At its core, the spider most closely resembles a regular browser. It scans the contents of the page, uploads it to the server of the search engine to which it belongs and sends it through links to the following pages.

In response to a request where to find the necessary information, the search server returns a list of hyperlinks leading to web pages on which the necessary information is available or mentioned. The list can be of any extent, depending on the content of the request.


Yandex- Russian Internet search system. The company's website, Yandex.ru, was opened on September 23, 1997. The company's head office is located in Moscow. The company has offices in St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Odessa and Kyiv. The number of employees exceeds 700 people.

The word “Yandex” (consisting of the letter “Ya” and part of the word index; a play on the fact that the Russian pronoun “Ya” corresponds to the English “I”) was coined by Ilya Segalovich, one of the founders of Yandex, currently serving as the company’s technical director.

Yandex Search allows you to search the RuNet for documents in Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Romanian, English, German and French, taking into account the morphology of the Russian and English languages ​​and the proximity of words in a sentence. A distinctive feature of Yandex is the ability to fine-tune the search query. This is implemented through a flexible query language.

By default, Yandex displays 10 links on each results page; in the search results settings, you can increase the page size to 20, 30 or 50 found documents.

From time to time, Yandex algorithms responsible for the relevance of search results change, which leads to changes in the results of search queries. In particular, these changes are aimed at combating search spam, which leads to irrelevant results for some queries.


Internet search engine leader Google occupies more than 70% of the world market. It currently registers about 50 million search queries daily and indexes more than 8 billion web pages. Google can find information in 115 languages.

According to one version, Google is a distorted spelling of the English word googol. "Googol" is a mathematical term for one followed by 100 zeros. The term was coined by Milton Sirotta, nephew of the American mathematician Edward Kasner, and was first described in the book Mathematics and the Imagination by Kasner and James Newman. Google's use of the term reflects the challenge of organizing the vast amounts of information on the Internet.

Google's interface contains a fairly complex query language that allows you to limit your search to specific domains, languages, file types, etc.


Rambler Media Group is an Internet holding company that includes as services a search engine, a rating classifier of Russian Internet resources, and an information portal.

Rambler was created in 1996.

The Rambler search engine understands and distinguishes between words in Russian, English and Ukrainian. By default, the search is carried out in all forms of the word.

1. Specifying the page address . This is the fastest search method, but can only be used if the exact address of the document is known.

TO SEARCH THE NEEDED INFORMATION ON THE NETWORK, THE ADDRESS IS USED Uniform Resource Locator (URL), containing the name of the protocol by which you need to access the required information, server address and file name on this server, for example:

http www.kazan.ru

(hierarchical structure - from right to left http - hypertext protocol, www - the node is located in the Web space).

Parts of an address:

Ru - Russia (can be three-letter)

Kazan - resource of Kazan,

Www - Internet resource, Web Site (web page), the site contains hyperlinks that allow you to navigate the flow of information like a nesting doll. The browser program allows you not to get lost (Home Page).

Http is the hypertext transfer protocol.

In terms of protocols, the Internet uses several types of protocols that have emerged over time and the advancement of computer technology. These include the telnet text protocol, the ftp file protocol, the usenet teleconferencing protocol, the wais database protocol, the gopher protocol, etc.

2. Contacting a search server (search engine). Using search servers is the most convenient way to find information.

Currently, the following search servers are popular in the Russian-speaking part of the Internet:

Search engines example:



The search engine finds the site address using keywords, even phrases.

There are other search engines. For example, an effective search system is implemented on the mail.ru mail service server.

Search engine query language

A group of keywords formed according to certain rules - using a query language - is called a request to a search server. The query languages ​​for different search servers are very similar. You can find out more about this by visiting the “Help” section of the desired search server. Let's look at the rules for forming queries using the Yandex search engine as an example.

Operator syntax What does operator mean? Example request
space or & Logical AND (within a sentence) physiotherapy
&& Logical AND (within document) recipes && (processed cheese)
I Logical OR photo | photography | sni-mock | photographic image
+ Mandatory presence of the word in the found document +to be or +not to be
() Grouping words (technology\production) (cheese\cottage cheese)
~ Binary operator AND NOT (within a sentence) banks ~ law
~~ or ___ Binary AND NOT operator (within document) guide to Paris ~~ (agency | tour)
/(n m) Distance in words (minus (-) - back, plus (+) - forward) suppliers /2 coffee music /(-2 4) education vacancies - /+1 students
“ ” Search for a phrase "little red riding hood" Equivalent to: red /+1 riding hood
&&/(n m) Distance in sentences (minus (-) - back, plus (+) - forward) bank && /1 taxes

To get the best search results, you need to remember a few simple rules:

Don't search for information using just one keyword.

It is best not to enter keywords in capital letters, as this may result in the same words written in lower case not being found.

If you don't get any results from your search, check your keywords for spelling errors.

Modern search engines provide the ability to connect a semantic analyzer to a generated query. With its help, you can enter a word and select documents in which derivatives of this word are found in various cases, tenses, etc.

The most accessible and convenient way to search for information on the World Wide Web is to use search engines. In this case, the search for information can be carried out using catalogs, as well as using a set of keywords characterizing the text document being searched.

Let's look at the use of search servers in more detail. The search server contains a large number of links to a wide variety of documents, and all these links are systematized into thematic catalogs. For example: sports, cinema, cars, games, science, etc. Moreover, these links are installed by the server independently, automatically by regularly viewing all Web pages appearing on the World Wide Web.

In addition, search servers provide the user with the ability to search for information using keywords. After entering keywords, the search server begins to view documents on other Web servers and display links to those documents in which the specified words appear. Typically, search results are sorted in descending order of a special document rating, which shows how fully a given document meets the search conditions or how often it is requested on the Internet.

Some important addresses:

www.kros.ru - Kazan regional educational network,

www.edu.ru - website of the Russian Ministry of Education,

www.fio.ru - Federation of Internet Education.

3. Navigation via hyperlinks. This is the least convenient method, since it can be used to search for documents that are only close in meaning to the current document. If the current document is dedicated, for example, to music, then using the hyperlinks of this document, it is unlikely that you will be able to get to a site dedicated to sports

Lesson topic: Searching for information on the Internet

Textbook: L. L. Bosova, A. Ya. Bosova “Informatics 9” Lesson type: lesson in discovering and acquiring new knowledge, skills and abilities

The purpose of the lesson: introduce students to the basic concepts of “search engine”, “link directory”, “search engine” and show the practical application of query language, teach them how to find information on the Internet.

Lesson objectives:

  • Educational: - introduce students to basic concepts, teach how to create queries for searching the Internet.
  • Developmental: continue the development of attention and thinking; formation of general educational and general cultural skills in working with information, self-control and interest in the subject.
  • Educational: continue to develop information culture, academic skills and a responsible attitude to the subject.

Equipment, resource support for the lesson

ICT tools used in the lesson:

    • teacher’s personal computer, multimedia projector, screen;
    • Students’ personal computers with Internet access

Electronic educational resources

    • presentation
      Presentation for the lesson
      PPTX / 2.59 MB

Additional resources:

Handout with practical work “Searching on the Internet”
Practical work
DOCX / 16.89 KB
and lesson reflectionReflection
DOCX / 15.5 KB

1. Organizational stage

The teacher welcomes students, checks their readiness for the lesson, and promotes the formation of a positive emotional background. Students greet the teacher and take their jobs

2. Updating basic knowledge

The teacher checks the mastery of the material studied in previous lessons.

To do this, he uses a crossword puzzle with the basic concepts of computer networks (slide 2). The following tasks to establish correspondence between the logos of popular browsers and their names (slide 3), and the names of the protocols and their purpose, respectively (slide 4).

3. Stage of acquiring new knowledge

Explanation of new material (slide 5 - 20)

Search system- this is a hardware and software complex that is designed to carry out the search function on the Internet, and responds to a user request, which is usually specified in the form of a text phrase (or more precisely a search query), by issuing a reference list to information sources, based on relevance.

Students name search engines they know.

Main characteristics of search engines

    • Completeness. Completeness is one of the most important characteristics of a search; it represents the ratio of the number of information documents found upon request to their total number on the Internet related to a given request. The more complete the search itself, the greater the likelihood that the user will find exactly the document he needs, of course, if it exists at all.
    • Accuracy. Accuracy determines the degree to which the pages found on the Internet match the user's request. The more accurate the search, the sooner the user will find the information he needs, the less various “garbage” will be found among the results, the fewer documents found will not correspond to the meaning of the request.
    • Relevance. Relevance characterizes the time that passes from the moment information is published on the Internet until it is entered into the search engine’s index database. For example, the day after information about the release of a new iPad appeared, many users turned to search with relevant types of queries. In most cases, information about this news is already available in the search, although very little time has passed since its appearance. This is due to the large search engines having a “fast database” that is updated several times a day.
    • Search speed. Such a function as search speed is closely related to the so-called “load resistance”. A huge number of people access search every second; such workload requires a significant reduction in the time to process one request. Here the interests of both the search engine and the user completely coincide: the visitor wants to get results as quickly as possible, and the search engine must process his request as quickly as possible, so as not to slow down the processing of subsequent requests.
    • Visibility. Visual presentation of results is the most important element of search convenience. Based on many queries, the search engine finds thousands, and in some cases millions, of different documents. Due to the vagueness of the compilation of key phrases for the search or its inaccuracy, even the very first query results do not always contain only the necessary information. This means that a person often has to conduct their own search among the results provided. Various components of search results pages help you navigate search results.

Links directory- This is a list of links to sites broken down by topic with their brief descriptions.

Groups of links depending on the breadth of the topic

    • are common
    • specialized (thematic)

Link directory groups:

    • closed directories— adding sites to this directory can only be carried out by one responsible person.
    • white catalogs— DO NOT require a backlink and PUT a direct link.
    • gray catalogs- REQUIRE a back link and PUT a direct link.
    • black catalogs— They REQUIRE a backlink and DO NOT provide a direct link.
    • directories of sites with direct links— when registering a site in this directory, the webmaster receives a direct (without redirection) link to his site.
    • directories of sites with links— registering a site in this directory does not provide a link to the registered site. Links in such directories are provided through redirection.

Search engine is an automatic system that stores information about web pages known to it and, upon request, provides the addresses of those where the entered keywords are found.

Keywords is a set of words and expressions that reflect the required information.

The most basic task of every search engine is to deliver to people exactly the type of information that they need.

That is why specialist search engine developers create principles and algorithms for their work that would allow users to find the information they are interested in. This means that the system must “think” in the same way as a person thinks when searching for the necessary information on the Internet.

In order to get the right answers to such questions, search developers are constantly improving the principles of ranking and its algorithms, adding new features and functions to them, and by any means trying to make the system work faster.

The first computer program for searching the Internet was the Archie program (English archie - archive without the letter “v”). It was created in 1990 by Alan Emtage, Bill Heelan and J. Peter Deutsch, computer science students at McGill University in Montreal. The program downloaded lists of all files from all available anonymous FTP servers and built a database that could be searched by file names. However, Archie's program did not index the contents of these files, since the amount of data was so small that everything could be easily found manually.

The first web crawler written in Perl was the World Wide Web Wanderer, a bot developed by Matthew Gray at MIT in June 1993. This robot created the Wandex search index. Wanderer's goal was to measure the size of the World Wide Web and find all web pages containing the words from the query.

The WebCrawler search engine, launched in 1994, is the first full-text resource indexing system using a robot (“craweler-based”).

The system allowed users to search for any words located on any web page - this has since become the standard for most search engines.

The WebCrawler search engine was the first search engine to become widely used.

In 1996, a search was implemented taking into account Russian morphology on the Altavista search engine and the original Russian search engines Rambler and Aport were launched. On September 23, 1997, the Yandex search engine was opened. On May 22, 2014, Rostelecom launched the national search engine Sputnik. On April 22, 2015, a new Sputnik service was launched. Children especially for children with increased safety.

Types of search engines:

    • Systems using search robots. They consist of three parts: a crawler (“bot”, “robot” or “spider”), an index and search engine software. A crawler is needed to crawl the web and create lists of web pages. An index is a large archive of copies of web pages. The purpose of the software is to evaluate search results. Due to the fact that the search robot in this mechanism constantly explores the network, the information is more relevant. Most modern search engines are systems of this type.
    • Human-powered systems (resource directories): These search engines retrieve lists of web pages. The directory contains the address, title and brief description of the site. The resource directory only looks for results from page descriptions submitted to it by webmasters. The advantage of catalogs is that all resources are checked manually, therefore, the quality of the content will be better compared to the results obtained automatically by the first type of system. But there is also a drawback - updating catalog data is done manually and can significantly lag behind the real state of affairs.
    • Hybrid systems. Search engines such as Yahoo, Google, MSN combine the functions of systems using search robots and systems operated by humans.
    • Meta-systems. Metasearch engines combine and rank the results of several search engines at once. These search engines were useful when each search engine had a unique index and search engines were less "smart". Since search has improved so much now, the need for them has decreased.

Many search engines, such as Google and Bing, use algorithms to selectively guess what information a user would like to see based on their past browsing activity. As a result, websites only show information that is consistent with the user's past interests. This effect is called the “filter bubble”. All this leads to the fact that users receive much less information that contradicts their point of view and become intellectually isolated in their own “information bubble”.

The teacher conducts a survey to find out the most popular search engine in the class and introduces students to the ranking of search engines in Russia.

Query language

Prohibition of enumerating all word forms.

Mandatory presence of words in the found documents.

Excluding a word from search results.

& - obligatory occurrence of words in one sentence.

~ - the requirement for the presence of the first word in a sentence without the presence of the second.

| - search for any of these words.

"" - search for stable phrases.

$title - search for information by title names.

$anchor - search for information by link names.

4. Dynamic pause

(slide 21-23) Students are given a dynamic break, which consists of three groups of gymnastics exercises for the eyes, relieving tension and fatigue according to the method of E. S. Avetisov.

5. The stage of consolidating the studied material followed by self-test.

(slide 24-25) The teacher conducts practical work with students on searching the Internet.

Practical work.

Exercise 1.

Features of searching by group of words.

Fill out the table using the Yandex search engine.

Request structure

Number of pages found

Speedy! tram!

Express + tram

Light Rail

"Light Rail"

Battle of Stalingrad

Stalingrad & Battle

$title (Volga River)

$anchor (Volga River)

Task 2.

Find information about interesting facts about Volgograd on the Internet

1. What is unique about Coventry Street in Volgograd?

2. Where is the tallest monument in the world erected to a real person? Please indicate its dimensions and photo.

3. What size is the longest house in Europe? Indicate his address and photo

4. When Volgograd is renamed the “hero city of Stalingrad” (exact dates)

5. What is the length of the longest street in Russia, which does not have official street status? What name does it have?

After completing the work, the results of the work are checked, and students give themselves a grade for the lesson.

The teacher monitors the progress of students' work and helps students who are unable to complete the task independently.

Students, under the guidance of a teacher, check the results of practical work, analyze the answers received, and decide on an assessment of the results of the work.

Sample answers to practical work (slide 26-31)

Assessment of practical work

5 - answers to task 1 were given correctly, task 2 was completed in full with explanations and photographs.

4 - in task 1 there were inaccuracies in 1-2 answers, one or two of the questions in task 2 were given an incomplete answer.

3 - in task 1 there were inaccuracies in 3-4 answers, three questions of task 2 were given incomplete answers or there were no answers to 2 questions

6. Summing up the lesson, reflecting on the lesson, setting homework

The teacher assigns homework and comments on it if necessary.


Learn lecture material

Textbook by L. L. Bosov, A. Ya. Bosov “Informatics 9”

Workbook by L. L. Bosov, A. Ya. Bosov “Informatics 9”

The teacher and students summarize the lesson, give grades and thanks for the lesson, and invite students to fill out a lesson reflection sheet.

Answer selectively 2-3 of the following questions:

    • today I found out
    • I managed
    • I'm having difficulties
    • I completed tasks
    • I learned
    • Now I can

Resources used:

L. L. Bosova, A. Ya. Bosova “Informatics 9”

I.G. Semakin, L.A. Zalogova, S.V. Rusakov, L.V. Shestakova “Informatics and ICT 9”

On the global Internet you can find information on any topic of interest. But the most difficult thing about working on the Internet is finding the information you need. Since the Internet does not have a clear centralized structure, it is developing chaotically, and more and more new servers are appearing in the world, the issues of searching for information are becoming very relevant.

Search engines make working on the Internet much easier and help us quickly find the information we need on a huge array of Internet servers. There are several thousand search engines on the World Wide Web, including both well-established ones and lesser known ones.

Most popular search engines

  • Yandex— a means of full-text information retrieval taking into account the morphology of the Russian language; search sites, your catalog, news, products, geographical maps, dictionaries, blogs, pictures, Microsoft Office documents and Adobe Acrobat PDF
    • Yandex
  • Rambler(JSC Rambler Internet Holding) - search on sites taking into account the morphology of the Russian and English languages; It also has a catalog search system.
    • Rambler Lite: search engine— a short version of the search page
  • Search service Sputnik(OJSC Rostelecom) - search on sites, government services, etc.; Safe search
  • NIGMa - intelligent search engine(M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University and Stanford University) - search for documents, pictures, books, news via Google, Yahoo, MSN, Yandex, Rambler, altavista, Aport; the system also provides a unique search for chemical formulas and reactions
  • Google — search on sites (it is possible to search on Russian-language sites); search for documents in Adobe Acrobat PDF, Microsoft Office, PostScript, Corel WordPerfect, Lotus 1-2-3, etc. formats; search for pictures, videos, news, search on maps; the ability to search on Russian-language and Russian sites; there is a system for translating text into other languages ​​(49 languages)
  • Bing(Microsoft Corp.) - search sites, images and videos; the ability to search on Russian-language and Russian sites; there is a system for translating text into other languages ​​(22 languages)
  • Yahoo!(Yahoo) - search by sites, E-Mail addresses, etc.

Each of the search engines has its own advantages and disadvantages, which are determined by the principle of operation of the search engine, ease of use, its design, the complexity of the query language, the presence of various advanced functions (managing the format and ranking of output information, correcting spelling errors and erroneous keyboard layouts when entering keywords, translating the page into other languages, etc.), work speed, and other parameters. The choice of a search engine for a specific application is determined by the purpose of the search, the nature of the information sought, the desired format of the output data and the breadth of coverage of monitored server addresses in the Internet world.

Search by keywords. Search engine query language

A search engine usually has a field for entering keywords, which it uses to find documents containing those keywords. The better (higher quality) the query is made to the search engine, the smaller the total number of documents found, and the more of them are documents that correspond to what you need. If the request is very simple or poorly composed, then the search engine can give you several million documents that you will not be able to view in your entire life.

Using a query language containing logical operations (logical operators AND, OR, NOT, brackets, etc.), prefixes that require the presence of keywords in the document «+» And «-» (when searching for highly specialized terms, it is preferable to use), the location of keywords in a document nearby or at a certain distance, etc.) and other elements, and a larger number of keywords associated with them, you can significantly narrow the search area and compose better request to the search server. It should be taken into account that different search engines may have different query languages, or very similar ones.

Some search engines additionally have a function advanced search, allowing the user to more accurately describe what he specifically needs without knowing the query language. The advanced search function is available, for example, in the search engines Yandex and Google.

Main types of search engines. Which search engine to use

There are 2 main types of Internet search engines: index and classification (catalog). Index search engines (for example, Yandex, Rambler, Sputnik, Google, Bing, etc.), working in automatic mode of updating their information, browse the contents of servers on the Internet, indexing the information contained in them and entering information about the location of words on website pages into their databases. Catalog search engines (for example, Rambler, Yahoo!, etc.) contain a thematically structured catalog of servers, and are most often updated manually. Typically, the WWW page of a classification search engine also contains a field for entering keywords for searching in its own database. In the catalog search system, you can start with a larger thematic heading, and gradually going down further through the headings, to arrive at a link to the site you need. In some cases it is more convenient to use the first type of search engines, in others - the second. There are search engines that combine both operating principles. In particular, many index search engines also have a catalog search system. Also, search engines can use some other principles of search methods.

Many search engines have transformed into Internet portals that combine a large number of resources and services. On the pages of such portals you can read news, check out TV programs, learn about the weather, exchange rates, use a map service, and much more. etc.

The most popular Russian search engines have search capabilities taking into account the peculiarities of the Russian language.

To search simultaneously in several search engines, you can use the so-called search metamachines, which access several search tools at once, for example, NIGMa.

There are also search engines that specialize in searching on one particular topic (for example, information technology, music, resources dedicated to nature, etc.)
